2002 Programme

2002 started with smaller numbers than for some years, there being fewer players graduating from the CSM Recorder School. However recruitment from outside sources has filled some vacancies although we would welcome enquiries from players wishing to join. Descant players would be particularly welcome.

Our first engagement for 2002 was a renaissance banquet held at Ferrymead Historic Park's Cooperage. The occasion was the celebraton of coming of age of a charming young lady who dressed appropriately as a noble family's daughter. Friends , family and musicians all dressed in costume to give the occasion an authentic atmosphere which was completed by dancing, entertainment and food appropriate to the period. CYRE players thoroughly enjoyed the evening and were delighted to add to the evening's fun with the sound of recorders, crummhorns, dulcian, 3-holed pipe, percussion. Props included stocks, for miscreants but the musicians fortunately played faultlessly. Much fun was had by all.

- News Flash -

CYRE recently took delivery of a Paetzold Sub-contra-Bass in C - the lowest pitched recorder in NZ. The revolutionary design of this instrument delivers a booming bass using the principles of a wooden organ pipe. Using a square bore, the instrument is doubled back for a portion of its 2.4 metre length, standing around 2 metres from the floor.

The addition of this instrument to the ensemble will allow even greater versatility in programming using tenors downwards to explore the mellow warmth of the 8 foot consort.

This magniificent instrument featured at Nga Hau Ki Waitaha - The Winds of Waitaha - NZ RecorderWeek held at St Andrew's College Christchurch from Jan 12 -19, 2002.

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